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OfficeCalendar Mobile: What is my Online Account Name?
When configuring the OfficeCalendar Mobile application on an iPhone/iPad, Android, or BlackBerry device three (3) values are required: Online Account Name, Username, and Password.
ON DEMAND SERVER ENVIRONMENT: The Online Account Name is the same as the OfficeCalendar On Demand Server Name. This is included in the Admin Document provided after the original installation is completed, however can also be located in the local OfficeCalendar Client Configuration Settings (hammer & wrench icon) > Server Connections tab.
This can also be located by logging into the account on and looking to the "On Demand Servers" section from the User's Area.
LOCAL OFFICECALENDAR SERVER ENVIRONMENT: This Online Account Name is setup when you create the OfficeCalendar Online Account either in the original setup or from the "OfficeCalendar Online" section of the Admin Console. This can be found by logging into the OfficeCalendar Server Admin Console (How do I access the OfficeCalendar Server Administration Console?), going to the "OfficeCalendar Online" section and referring the tail-end portion of your OfficeCalendar Online URL.